That's why falling numbers will not be a problem for the Watchtower, increases prove God is with them, decreases prove the end is near.
yep--and when the end finally does come--there will be none left anyway.
do you think the yearbooks will stop showing negative information as the numbers stagnate or even drop?
That's why falling numbers will not be a problem for the Watchtower, increases prove God is with them, decreases prove the end is near.
yep--and when the end finally does come--there will be none left anyway.
i know this question has popped up from time to time but i really would like to know how you guys, those that no longer believe, came to that conclusion?
was it the wts and all its crap?
was it something you read?
boy oh boy did i feel paranoid at today's wt.
not only are we to watch our associations outside of the congregation, but also watch our associations 'within' the congregation.
this was emphasised by the wt study conductor.
... just received!
london bethel: last year a couple in their fifties were laid off from bethel and made special pioneers.
in january they will be demoted to regular pioneers.
Over this weekend at two CA's - approx 1800 in attendance, 9 baptised.
and--i wonder how many that could have attended--but quit / faded or d/f since the last assembly ?
so this is just so nauseating to me when she noddes her head in agreement and in a low voice or sound does a "mmm uh" in agrrement.
but here is the deal, she never aswers at the meetings.
she doesn't go out in service often.
no no guys--you got it all wrong.
we ARE living in the last DAZE------hopefully it will soon be the next DAZE
a single sister in her 40s and her two single daughters were visiting my mom.
i would say her daughters are in their early 20s.
my mom got sleepy and we put her to bed but the three sisters stayed to finish their drinks..
... just received!
london bethel: last year a couple in their fifties were laid off from bethel and made special pioneers.
in january they will be demoted to regular pioneers.
... just received!
london bethel: last year a couple in their fifties were laid off from bethel and made special pioneers.
in january they will be demoted to regular pioneers.
ive been lurking for a while and finally got around to registering.
about me: i was essentially born in & indoctrinated from youth.
i was always a borderline "bad association" type because i always did the minimum and always disagreed with much of what was taught; even when i was a child.. luckily for me my father was never a jw so i never had to endure the male head pressure.
hi smash--welcome --to the house of fun